Necrot (US) + Devoid Of Thought + Exequiae Sacro
Olona Wasteland Punx in conspiracy with Occult Booking proudly present:
Death Metal

Support by locals
– Devoid Of Thought
– Exequiae Sacro
– Devoid Of Thought
– Exequiae Sacro
Domenica 25 Agosto 

Ingresso 15€ + diritti di prevendita.
Solo 100 biglietti acquistabili al link fino a 24h prima dell’inizio dell’evento.
Sarà disponibile un numero limitato di biglietti in cassa il giorno del concerto.
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Necrot are a hard-grooving death metal trio based in Oakland, California that was formed in April 2011 from the skeletons of Acephalix, Vastum, Lawless, and Saviours. Their membership includes drummer Chad Gailey, bassist/guitarist/vocalist Luca Indrio, and guitarist Sonny Reinhardt.
Necrot state: “We are so excited to finally come back to Europe, it has been way too long and with our new album ‘Lifeless Birth’ it’s the perfect occasion for us to come drill some skulls! See you all at the shows, don’t miss it!!”